keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Sunday, September 27, 2020


sending you restorative, mindful moments as we usher in the autumnal season.

breathe and…

keep your peepers open! 

#sacredsunday #blogpost #blogger #wearewomenwriting #photographer #photo #photograph #photography#outdoorphotograph #autumn #fall #nest #inspiration #mindful #mindfulness #restorative #breathe

Sunday, September 13, 2020

baby steps

As cities around the country began to lift corona restrictions, I continued to feel uncomfortable about meeting anyone to do anything for an extended period, even masked at a social distance. Since March, the only interactions I had had with people were those at any given market or CVS or with passers-by and neighbors during my AM walks. I deeply missed outings with my friends, interacting with participants at my workshops, one-on-ones with clients and the isolation that comes with living alone hovered, overwhelmed me at the least expected moments. Writing, working on a series of collage images, and getting creative in the kitchen lifted my spirits; my living space descended into a frazzled mess that I embraced. 

Gradually I began to venture out -- a hair appointment early in the morning, the first appointment of the day for a pedicure, a doctors appointment and the dentist (an appointment I had rescheduled a couple of times before my teeth demanded that we resume our routine visits!). Yet, something, perhaps a distrust of the constantly changing and sometimes contradictory information we receive about the virus, was keeping me from accepting invitations from my friends to meet and sit outdoors to share a meal or even just a quick cup of tea.

One day, I couldn’t find a packet of photographs that I knew I had placed on my work table.A few days later, a journal from a project I started three years ago was not where I thought it was. I had had enough! A little bit at a time, I began to organize the mess that had collected and housed a sadness from the many days of being by myself. When a friend called to make a lunch date; I immediately accepted.

Two days before I drove tomeet her at Hillwood Gardens, my favorite place in DC, I tossed the final bag of heavy into the trash, turned and took a few more baby steps into my next. 

Stay safe to keep youand others well and...

keep your peepers open!

ps - I did indeed find the packet of pictures and the journal!

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #photographer #photo #photograph #photography#outdoorphotography #ablossomaday #coronavirus #covid19 #pandemic #inspiration #positivity #socialdistancing #wearamask #babysteps

Sunday, August 23, 2020

strange & dark waters

I recently saw a writing prompt that asked, “This year, what are you grateful for?” I had actually written something on gratitude a few years ago; I revised it just slightly to read…

the first breath I am gifted each morning 

signaling a new day of my life has begun.

the music of morning whispering in my ears, 

lifting me on to my path for the day regardless 

of the uncertainty outside my door.

the thoughts waking up in my meditative mind 

that eventually find their way to paper. 

the pulse of abundant creativity rushing through my soul,

allowing a new, more relevant voice to emerge.

the benevolence, love and genuine concern for others 

that lives in my spirit no matter what is going on in the world.

As we continue to navigate strange and dark waters, add some gratitude to your compass. Now more than ever…

keep your peepers open! 

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #wearewomenwriting #blackwomenwriting #photographer #photo #lily #photograph #floral #photography#outdoorphotograph #BLM #enoughisenough #justiceforall #equityforall #socialconscious #goodtrouble #covid19 #pandemic #inspiration #mindful #gratitude #mindfulness#creativity #positivity #wearyourmask #socialdistance #vote

Sunday, August 9, 2020

souls of BLACK folks

I was 10 during the riots of ’68. We lived just one town over from Plainfield, NJ, close enough to hear the unrest, the sounds of gunfire, to see the sky lit up from blazing fires. I wedged myself between my bed and the wall each night, wondering when and if rage would cross the bridge, descend into the park and arrive at our cul-de-sac of seven homes, all but one occupied by Black families. Fearful that our homes would be destroyed, not knowing  if a bullet might come through the window, night would sometimes turn into a day when sleep depravation silenced my anxiety. Though our block went untouched and life moved on, a part of me never got back in my bed. 

My full essay, souls of BLACK folks, can be found on the online blog published by SOLSTICE, a (literary) magazine of diverse voices.

In the words of John Lewis, find some “good trouble” to get into; stay safe, stay informed and…

keep your peepers open!

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #wearewomenwriting #blackwomenwriting #photographer #photo #photograph #equityforall #photography#outdoorphotograph #GeorgeFloyd #icantbreathe #BLM #enoughisenough #justice #equity #socialconscious #goodtrouble #johnlewis

Sunday, July 26, 2020

the TSL vibe

This past week, I launched my YouTube Channel, The TSL Vibe! My creation, “beyond the pavement,” premiered on Friday and is an expression that reflects the times. 

Stop by, like, share, subscribe and…

keep your peepers open!

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #photographer #wearewomenwriting #beyondthepavement #theTSLvibe #covid19 #pandemic #inspiration #mindful #creativity #positivity #wearyourmask #socialdistance #BLM #equityforall

Sunday, July 19, 2020

corona visions

I’ve been quite creative on many fronts during the pandemic which, though some folks have forgotten or have chosen to ignore, is still our present state of affairs. My “corona visions…glamour has no restrictions“ collage series is such a distraction from just everything and I’m always surprised by what develops when I sit down to the table. At first, I described them as hand cut paper collaged images that are dressed to be outside somewhere as we stay inside. I’ve changed that to say they are dressed to be outdoors as we continue to practice precautions to keep us safe.

Thus far, 11 glamour girls have stepped out; this is number 10, “outside in the rain.” Dresses, skirts or pants are the focal point of each image; they are designed by piecing together lots of hand cut papers of various patterns that then make one fabulous garment! And yes, the process is as time consuming as stitching actual fabrics, maybe even more so because I'm conscious of ensuring that the clothing looks as if it has movement since the collage itself is one dimensional.

I’ll be at the table today to find out if number 12 wants to arrive and where she wants to go so... 

keep your peepers open!

And people, if we’re not more mindful of the health of self and all, we’re going to be restricted to staying home once again, so stay safe to stay healthy out there.

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #photographer #coronavirus #covid19 #pandemic #inspiration #mindful #creativity #positivity #wearyourmask #socialdistance #glamourgirls #collageart #coronaart #coronavisions

Sunday, July 12, 2020

non complacent

Though the massive demonstrations have quieted, things are still happening and there is so much more that must be done; complacency is not on the list. Do something to ensure that positive progress, in terms of equity and justice for all people, is made and…

keep your peepers open!

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #wearewomenwriting #blackwomenwriting #photographer #photo #photograph #photography#outdoorphotograph #BLM #enoughisenough #justice #equityforall #positiveprogress #noncomplacent