keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Woke up with no idea what I wanted to write about. A word popped into my head one second before I opened a reading for today with that same word as the title for its message.  

It’s a few days before Thanksgiving and this year I will volunteer at a huge event held here in DC that provides a meal, clothing, and gifts to those in need. While I won’t be sitting down to feast with family or friends, I will be feeding my soul and spirit doing something I have chosen to do instead; I will be giving thanks as I serve others. 

Gratitude, the word that came to mind this morning and revealed itself on paper, is what I feel more than ever, every day this year, so be grateful this holiday season. GIVE to a charity of your choice in dollars or time even if you too are in need and…

keep your peepers open!

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #thanksgiving #gratitude

Sunday, November 17, 2019

catching time

It’s a good probability that we’ve all spoken or at least heard the words, “time flies,” and indeed it does! Let me add to that thought, “it’s up to us to catch as many moments as we can” so…

keep your peepers open!

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #mindfulness #photography #sunshine #timeflies #quoteme #quote #keepyourpeepersopen

Sunday, November 10, 2019


I went on an art crawl and wine tasting yesterday in Middleburg, VA. Totally enjoyed a sun up to sun down day; woke up this morning with my deep “had a few too many glasses” voice that cracks me up as soon as I speak! 

One of the more memorable moments yesterday was the viewing of posters that told a brief history of Black horsemen in racing, a story that needs to be heard as horse racing originated as a pastime during slavery. The first Kentucky Derby was held in 1875; 13 of the 15 horses were ridden by Black jockeys who would go onto to win half of the first 16 Derbies. Enter Jim Crow in the late 1890’s, ushering in the ousting of Black men from a profession that they not only helped build, they also had dominated.

A second moment, one much more personal to me, was when the bus turned into a property that I’d visited before. It was next to Boxwood Estate Winery, a destination I had not noticed back in 2014 when I was relearning how to take one steady step at at time after hip surgery. I chose to do my last days of recuperating coupled with a birthday celebration at the Salamander Resort and Spa. One afternoon, I decided to get in the car and just drive; a wide vista of countryside stretching out in front of me made me pull over to take photographs, breathe, and appreciate the fact that upon my arrival at the Salamander, I left in the car the cane that had been giving me support and was once again walking, carefully, by myself! 

Yesterday, I stood on that land again, the sun shining on my face, shivering in the cold air, grateful for the ability to move about on two strong legs that propel me forward every day in this my life. As always when out and about, I had my camera. Of all the images captured, this one is my favorite so here’s to shining light, triumph in life, and radiant energy as you…

keep your peepers open!

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #blackjockeys #artcrawl #winetasting #recuperating #radiance #light #mindfulness  #boxwoodestate #salamanderresort  #millenniumartssalon #keepyourpeepersopen

Sunday, November 3, 2019

etsy finally!

For some reason, I can't post a picture...go figure. So I'll just say, after lots of thinking then procrastinating, I finally did it!

Come shop my new shop artfullyTSL on Etsy and...

keep your peepers open!