keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

red glove drama

Losing gloves and umbrellas is such a nuisance! I can’t begin to recall how many of either I've lost in my lifetime!

While out for a walk this past week, I stopped to take a photograph. As I walked away from the subject matter, something urged me to turnaround; about 300 yards from me I spotted a red glove and yes it had to be mine since I now only had one in my hand. I retraced my steps to retrieve what could have become yet another lost article and when I looked down, I had to snap a picture; my red glove lay on the ground with such dramatic flair in the way that it fell, as if absent fingers were curled over in a "clutch the pearls I can't believe this is happening" position. Really? 

Dropped and found, I bent over to pick up my glove leaving all that drama behind as I went on my way.

Listen to that small voice whispering to you as you move about and…

keep your peepers open!

#sunday #sacredsunday #blogpost #blogging #blogger #redglovedrama #drama #gloves #winter #photographer #photograph #photography #lostandfound #keepyourpeepersopen

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