keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

never ever?

I know a good product when I see it and once I do, will suggest it to all who I think will benefit from or appreciate it. Well before Oprah made Origins Ginger Soufflé one of her “favorite things” many moons ago, I had sent samples to all of my girlfriends so they too could slather themselves in the divine richness of a body cream that went "viral" (before viral was such a thing) thanks to O's endorsement. While I don't have that kind of national clout, I have persuaded small numbers of people to try things on countless occasions but it was a wake-up moment recently when I saw a woman on TV talking about the millions she makes from people who want her to promote their products via online short videos. Of course I am aware of the various creative methods of selling almost anything via electronic and social media, am quite intrigued by the unique forms people have designed, I had just never given the details of it all a second thought until that moment. I love a creative challenge, yet I’m still not sure that I will ever go that route as I get a thrill from sharing a good find with others free of charge and am grateful when others do the same; we all benefit. That said, I don't ever say never because I'm a natural when it comes to marketing, my MBA is in it, plus I have a good eye, so who knows what will become of my "thought you might like this" emails…even
if the item has been around for awhile 😉, so think you should...

keep your peepers open!®

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