I am approaching a big birthday and as I embrace stepping into the next decade of my life, I’m very aware of some changes I must make right now if I want to live to 103! A friend of mine suggested I read a book called, Younger by Sara Gottfried, another posted the book The Supple Body by Sara Black on her FB page after noting some major changes in her body by practicing the exercises (I guess the Sara’s have it going on when it comes to taking good care of ourselves). Anyway, I purchased both because I like the tactile feel of a book in my hands, did a quick scan through them, took the health quiz in Younger, and discovered I am in below average health, aging moderately fast!!! I was none too pleased as I am NOT below or just average!!! However, I was only 2 points below the average range. With just a few minor changes, I could move up to average, so of course my goal is to rise to and stay in the excellent category, though some of my past behaviors may prevent that; I haven’t touched a cig for 17 years, but it doesn’t matter. The fact that I smoked in my lifetime makes a difference. I remain optimistic.
Being very in tune with my body, I was more than aware of the high level of acidity in my system due to me straying and staying off the reservation over the past several months when it comes to eating. I got some advice about juice fasts from that same friend who told me about Younger. She has done and suggested I try a micro fast, which surprisingly was quite doable especially since I was on deadline for a project which kept my attention off my salty snack addiction. A few days later, I wondered if I could make it through a second try without having something to preoccupy my thoughts; happy to report that I was successful (love the cold pressed beet juice I found by Blue Print) and woke this morning feeling more energetic, lighter than I have in awhile.
So if you need a quick pick me up or your body is feeling off because your eating is off and you need directions back to the reservation, look into a micro juice fast…it’s 18 hours and for part of the time, you should be getting in your 6 - 8 hours of sleep! Caution - Read up on juice fasts because it’s not about drinking any kind of juice, consult your doctor if you have health issues, drinking water is a must, and don’t run out to buy a juicer just yet however, be prepared to pay for the right kind of juices, they can be pricey. Good luck, make it colorful, and…
keep your peepers open!®
ps - started reading Younger and found that it tackles one thing per week food being the first; will read both books cover to cover this week to help me develop a plan for change leading up to my October celebration.
#juicefast #motivation #inspiration #younger #thesupplebody #livinglonger #bigbirthdaywishes #lifechanges #healthyeating #planforchange #keepyourpeepersopen #peepthis #queensareborninoctober
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