keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

wild women series

wild women #4 ©

wild women…

know the wizard is wicked but go behind the curtain anyway.
see the beauty in his beast
caressing his shortcomings like delicate jewels.
continue to taste flavor in his faults
even when he spits theirs back.
bring out the best in his blemishes
with a satin polishing cloth that keeps on tickin’ even after a lickin’.
speak lovingly over his pursed lips & silent ears
that turn blindly and sail up & away in a hot air balloon.
sing off key lullabies that rock his indifference to sleep
on twelve hundred count egyptian cotton barges.
are naughty cause he likes it that way
enduring all under broken promise spells of hopeful jargon
forgetting to click their heels.

know who they want what they want and when they want it
don’t mind letting him know it’s time.
simply say what they mean
mean what they say
don’t need to tell him that they are all that
‘cause he will only understand
when the green grass appears on the other side…or a house lands on his head.

wild women
give as you take
ask for nothing
know your desires before you know their names.
get it, get you, don’t get the bull
go down, get down, get up to get down
won’t hang around for the nonsense but for so long.
repairing wounded hearts with broken digits and tear soaked silk
they rebound, do go on

and they do wear red.

Though “wild women” is an ongoing poetry series written by T. Lassiter from words and ideas submitted by people from all over the world, wild woman #4 was written only by thoughts from Tina. If you would like to share your thoughts about wild women, please send them to Please include your first name and age. Your ideas may be included in a future piece. Until then…

keep your peepers open! ®

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