When did your creativity stop? I found myself sharing that thought during a robust conversation with colleagues as we talked about the difference between working with adults and children when it comes to art, music, dance, movement, writing or any other form of artistic expression. Our creative voices are often silenced when we are very young; critical statements delivered without thought to developing the recipient can be devastating not only for children but also for an adult with the healthiest ego. Over the years, I have had the privilege to conduct various workshops for grown-ups meeting hundreds who dare not draw, string words together, or touch an instrument all because they are stuck in that moment, either remembered or buried, that cut their creativity cord.
If you are one of the people, be you teacher, parent, or in any other role where you dole out opinions on the creative output of others, watch how you use those scissors! Our creative energy whatever the level or quality of that energy is vital to our being. Don’t take that from another. We all have the right to express ourselves just for the satisfaction of it; it is not everyone’s desire to be a professional. Now…if you are one of those people who has a yen to express yourself and feel like you’re stuck up in the air somewhere, it’s time for you to figure out when and why you got there, pick up the scissors, cut that spot out of your picture then get on to your bliss with abandon! I speak from experience because I did exactly that -- the sound of doubting voices past no longer occupy a space in my head hence my absolute joy for writing, piecing together collages, snapping photographs, developing recipes, designing interiors, and arranging flowers (and any other creative thing I decide to try).
The wheel is in motion…when will you rediscover your creativity?
keep your peepers open!®