I successfully completed a cleanse eight months ago, which had a big impact on what I eat. Rarely does a week go by without me having at least one green smoothie a day, I miss them if I skip a few days. All has been well until recently when my taste buds strayed off the reservation in desperate search of satisfaction. They dabbled in old places only to find that they could no longer finish or had truly lost the desire for foods from the past. Sometimes they ate what they didn’t want anyway, bored with every bite, storing up unwanted calories as my brain asked why. And then the scale roped me with a whispering nudge that I needed to hear…
Bitter winter coldness and a fear of falling on my replaced hip forced me into an unusual hibernation. Now that spring is in sight, I’m feeling that I’d like to explore a cleaner way of eating to compliment my love of green smoothies. I do know how to cook, just need fresh ideas with guidance; I picked up Clean
Slate, a book of simple recipes some familiar with twists, others completely new, to get me in the saddle. Looking forward to not returning to the reservation but rather moving on to a better one so as I stock up to go…
keep your peepers open!®
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