It's a gray day in the Nation's Capitol. I did get out for a walk under the clounds which was really quite refreshing and planned to sit down to the table to collage for the afternoon once I got home. But everything in me said not today, so I went to the spa to let others put their creative talents to use. Maybe they would be able to loosen up the blockage.
As I sat looking out at the falling rain, I relaxed with a red neck warmer soothing the knots formed during the week behind me and words began dancing across the window. Hot paraffin coated my worn out tootsies as thoughts for a spoken word piece took shape in my head. When my nail specialist caressed my feet and made the first stroke of the deep massage that followed, all thought process ceased, my eyes closed, and when I came out of my meditation, my toes looked like 10 perfect pieces of candy. Mind rejuvenated, soul revitalized, spirit revived, body…ready for a serious restorative nap!
keep your peepers open!®
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