keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


History does not repeat itself because what has already occurred can’t happen again, at least not exactly the way it went down before. History just finds itself at a familiar crossroad with different maybe the same adversaries making similar choices. It feels repetitive because words spoken, actions taken and decisions made are habitual behaviors that are hard to change. Why step into the unknown when resorting to the known feels more secure. But regardless of whether a good or bad, personal or historical circumstance comes to mind as you read this, nothing ever happens exactly as it has before because no matter what, people, life, situations are not the same today as they were then. And thinking that all will be well this time around if only…I think we’ve all stood there before.

When I first started manipulating my photographs, I wanted to produce the same results using similar techniques on various pictures. I found myself feeling disappointed when what I saw in front of me was nothing like what I’d created before. During one frustrating session as I was about to shut it down for the day, I decided to click on an icon that I hadn’t tried before and was stunned by the marked difference in the image before me. I couldn’t believe how gorgeous it was! No longer wedded to what historically worked, I eagerly explored steps that pushed me into the unknown much to my delight. The many new outcomes that appear on the screen have evoked such a crazy elation that I find myself unable to adequately express it; history is ever changing never to be quite the same again and that can be a very good thing if we choose to embrace that change.

So when you find yourself at that oh so déjà vu crossroad, before you do anything do nothing until the first step you decide to take is decidedly altered from one you’ve taken before and be sure to…

keep your peepers open!®

picture of woman facing forward was colorized in its original version and taken by barbara cameron

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