keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

(no) harm done

First do no harm should be words by which we all live rather than an oath just for physicians. We’re so busy moving at the speed of fast forward. When our past rushes up to meet us, we fail to realize that what appears harmless at first glance can unintentionally cause distress for another. Not taking a moment to fully assess the story we’ve been given then pausing long enough to let instinct weigh in, to really face what hasn't been disclosed before we make a decision to proceed could bring hours of doubt, anger, hurt and sadness to people we may or may not know.

During this time when so many honor the remembrance of life born from death, light after complete darkness, forgiveness of the worst betrayal, may we find the courage to right our wrongs as best we can then do our very best to bring no harm of any nature or degree to another again. Yes, I'm talking to me too.

Happy Easter or Passover and if you don't celebrate either, have a happy day this Sunday and...

keep your peepers open!®

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