keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


During a recent conversation, someone said to me, “Well, I guess if my life depended on it…” then that person would adapt beneficial lifestyle changes into their daily routine. I got quiet thinking, why do we wait until we are having a crisis before we incorporate behaviors that help us to take better care of ourselves?  I found myself asking out loud, “What are you waiting for?” knowing full well I was talking to myself, actually reminding myself of changes I want to make, that I need to get on with.

The next morning, I stepped outside. While checking my reflection in the window (I really MUST get a better full-length mirror!), something small, round and turquoise teased my left peripheral. There, close to the edge of the downstairs balcony was a tiny robin’s egg. I stared wondering if it had fallen from a nest in the rain gutter above and if so, how had something so very fragile remained fully in tact.

Over the years, I have not always honored my body temple, am really working to restore, repair and rebuild for I truly am not one who wishes to wake-up not knowing how I landed in the hospital all because I chose to wait until my life depended on it before taking steps to do better. Our lives, like that egg are so precious, as we age more fragile. No one regardless of how many birthdays have past can afford not to take or continue to practice good care. We must teach those behind us the tips we learn about health and wellness so they can avoid or at least prolong experiencing family ailments. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so listen up and...

keep your peepers open!®

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