keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Less than does not necessarily mean less. Sometimes, speaking a few heartfelt words is far more meaningful than a long speech. Hearing a couple of notes can bring back full on moments from a romance past bringing a big smile to one’s heart. If you've ever cooked anything, you know that a pinch of salt rather than the whole shaker is the trick to bringing all the ingredients together to highlight the deliciousness of the dish. When it comes to art, I have made a collage from four pieces of paper forming a goddess just as complete as one made from 400 cut pieces.

Every so often, a photograph taken asks for color subtraction and when that’s the case, I feel my way through varying degrees until the image is just as gorgeous as the total Technicolor version.

And for this one, I removed some details to get a more detailed look.

Less can be so much more when we’re able to change our perspective so…

keep your peepers open!®

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