keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Quite by accident, as I did not set out with the intention to create one, reeds of tomato red intertwined with stalks and leaves in green hues joined to form a triptych…

It’s hard to look at one without feeling that the other two must a part for all to be whole; in actuality, the pictures were taken of a single plant from different angles so the three do make one hence a triptych which then became a metaphor.

Exploration of self may reveal multi-talents which, for some of us, must ALL be investigated! Right now I find myself devoting energy to three different areas of interest that I feel equally passionate about. As I partial out time for each, every now and again I wonder if I should put one of them off for a while until I remember -- I have already done that opting to move forward with just the three. Though each thing I am working on is distinctly different, in order for any one of them to be successful, all of them must be in play to keep me feeling motivated, focused and whole. And so it is for me.

The many gifts of the multi-talented cannot always fit into one frame. They must be given the license to appear in their own light as they come together to develop a bigger picture so…

keep your peepers open! ®

ps … the number 3 happens to be my soul number…no coincidences there!

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