keep your peepers open!

keep your peepers open!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

eat & drink

 On the afternoon of New Year’s Eve I gorged on the sumptuous treats of Loïs Mailou Jones and Elisabetta Gut at the National Museum of Women in the Arts.  New Year’s morning, I drank in an enormous black sheet metal sculpture by Alexander Calder on the grounds of the National Gallery, a relatively new fixture on the property that had caught my eye weeks before.  In previous blogs I've mentioned that I don't believe in making New Year's resolutions but I am resolute in taking the first week of the year off to get back in touch with myself. Touching base with my own creative voice was high on my list of priorities for this week around. As I sat down to begin work on a piece for submission to a show about Mother Earth an indescribable something coursed through my body. Hands, fingers, and eyes returned to an inherent coordinated rhythm that made me tear up just a bit; my creative spirit that works at the table had been waiting for so many months to be heard.
Walking among the amazing work of other artists was delicious eye candy, served as the nurturing nudge needed to leave me fully satiated, primed…and oh how sweet it is.

keep your peepers open!®

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