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keep your peepers open!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

lovers paradise

I’ve been leaving out for my morning walks around 5:30 in an effort to get my time in before the sun obliterates the shady paths that I prefer AND because the temperature will be cooler at this time once it gets really hot so I’m proactively adjusting myself to a new schedule. On more than one occasion, I have come to a place that is a birds paradise especially for doves. 

The first time I turned into the somewhat secluded area, I was shocked to see so many of them along with babies who, through good fortune and being observant, I had seen in the nest weeks before. I’m a bit enamored by these lovey doves with distinct black eyes and pinkish-taupe feathers that walk or fly quickly away when I get too near; my efforts to capture a picture are often unsuccessful because they do get to
steppin’ when I approach. Still I marvel at their funny little waddle, the distinct sound they make when they fly away, the soft cooing that is communication, and the fact that their mate is never very far away. 

Perhaps the saying about the early bird catching the worm was spoken because there are more birds on the ground along my route now that I’m out before the sun is higher in the sky. I love hearing their chirping when I wake up to get dressed so upon my arrival at lovers paradise, I can’t help but stop for a moment to listen to the many songs and conversations in the air. When I move along, bidding them a good day, they either scurry out of my path or stand stiller perhaps watching, listening to and in wonder of me. 

Walking earlier has unveiled sights and sounds that, though I’m on familiar turf, are refreshingly new. My plan is to walk each of my normal routes (I have several that ensure at least 10,000 steps) starting at 5:30 to discover whatever there is to find at that time so…

keep your peepers open!®

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


We barely have time to immerse ourselves in the joy of an accomplishment before being asked about what’s next or have you considered or being reminded that there is more to do. Not only does that happen to me, I notice that it happens to others. I’m up this AM because I long-napped this afternoon. My energy was running on E, my body knew it was in need of an overdue session for acupuncture so I climbed onto the table for an hour earlier in the day. I have two responses once I climb down - - an immediate euphoric feeling or a delayed crash followed by euphoria the next day. All that napping was attributed to the latter so I expect to awake refreshed once I go back to sleep. That was not a digression, it was the lead in to the fact that I am now up, was listening to an interview on TV and heard the host ask the guest “what’s next?” How about staying focused on fully celebrating what’s now, relishing every little detail, acknowledging each emotion as it comes before considering the what else. 

Currently, my body and brain are moving the needle off E by filling up with elation, a fuel that provides me with energetic light. When the tank is full and only I will know when it reaches F which for me means I’m feeling fabulous, what I need to work on is already on the table waiting for me to pick it up so…

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

shared visions

Feeling quite elated as I rise this morning; the completion of a website to showcase my photographs and artwork is something I am pleased about and proud of. Now in addition to having a place to express myself in words and pictures, I also have a means of sharing more photographs that will appear as fast as I can take, upload and edit. At the moment, is in a preview trial as there are a couple of navigational links to resolve with the customer service folks who, I must say skillfully guided me when I had questions. Not only are they helpful, they also reassured me when I expressed a fear that when taking the template live, I would lose an entire week’s worth of devoted effort and attention that went into creating my vision to share my visions. It was no suprise yesterday that my index finger trembled with anxious exhileration as it hovered over the button…I pressed it to gleefully watch my work unfold for others to see. Here are the home page and the front page for one of several galleries filled with exceptional photographs and artwork.

Depending on when you read this, you will either view my squarespace as a visitor or it will just be available. I invite all to stop by often, both the site and this blog are linked. As mentioned, images will be updated as frequently as I shoot, so…

keep your peepers open!®

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

my shot

I am totally grateful for the time to focus on raising the volume of my creative voice. Months ago, I was unsuccessful in my efforts to arrange a meeting with a web designer. I sort of back burnered the project to work on other business-related priorities until last Friday when a serious nudge from a friend aroused immediacy; a website devoted primarily to my photography that will eventually also showcase my collage art and watercolors suddenly rose to the top of my must do list. Sorting through thousands of shots is more than a notion, however I am pleased to note that selections have been narrowed to a manageable number for the first upload. In the midst of this, I recently began posting to Your Shot on my NatGeo page. It took a minute to get the hang of all the nuances to ensure that people see what I submit but once understood, the responses have provided refreshing inspiration from a new worldwide tribe. This picture garnered lots of likes…

Living my life, loving the moments, hope you are too as you…

keep your peepers open!®

Sunday, May 15, 2016


In my quest to shift the messages I speak internally and externally, I decided to replace the words obstacle, roadblock, brick wall, challenge, etc., with the word question when referring to moments on my life path that halt forward moving momentum. To me, something about those buzz words we use so easily infers a sense of insurmountability that the word question does not. Think about it…when you come to a stop in progress regardless of what’s causing it, there is a question or questions that are being posed or need to be asked then answered before taking the next steps. We answer questions every day; there is familiarity with, a certain ease when considering a question. When’s the last time you scaled a brick wall, jumped over an obstacle? Just typing those phrases mentally reminds me of the expenditure of energy needed to physically execute those tasks, precious energy that could be better used to follow through with implementing the answer once we’ve been still enough to hear the question(s).

I don’t like to waste energy on things that don’t require me to do so. Adapting a new approach for managing what is presented to me has pushed the stress level way down, made me think about my processes differently, prevented me from making rash decisions, helped me choose wise words, and improved my well being by bringing ease to almost everything I have to do. I sleep and wake without agitation, angst, or worry because I’ve change the script by which I operate. 

Whatever happens throughout the day and life is manageable when you decide to make it so. Figure out the messages you tell yourself that no longer work for you, change the words, be patient with yourself as you begin to practice what you are now preaching and…

keep your peepers open!®

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

all that jazz

On International Jazz Day (April 30) I was front and center at the National Museum of Women in the Arts for a panel discussion highlighting women’s contributions to jazz. That same evening, I also happened on the broadcast of Jazz at the White House featuring a broad selection of musicians and vocalists that made me wish I had been invited as only an hour was devoted to an extraordinary event that deserved more airtime. 

As I immersed myself in the exchange both at the Museum and on the screen, one artist in particular captured my attention. Dee Dee Bridgewater, a small yet powerful presence who describes her voice as her instrument, has been singing to me in English and French since I was in college. Her story is one I did not know, her frank delivery of it was eye opening, inspirational and endearing. It was no wonder that I found my way to her when the symposium was over; she was warm, gracious, and sparkling in many ways. I watched her perform before the audience on the White House lawn with a tremendous amount of admiration and respect knowing what she did NOT do on her journey to that stage; a tiny woman who said no to bartering her body in exchange for career advancement in a tough arena, losing profitable opportunities because of her stance yet still rising to the top is a testament to belief in self, understanding your gifts and trusting that living your truth will lead you to the stage you were born to stand on. 

Nothing but you can keep you from that place, so keep the faith and…

keep your peepers open!®

Sunday, May 8, 2016

have a...

Every woman is a Mother in some way
 at some point in their life, so have a....
Happy Mother's Day!

keep your peepers open!®

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

getting back to...

The sharing of photos and short narratives from Cape May got a bit sidetracked due to more pressing things affecting my life however, the respite that was my time away is still with me, so let me get back to the moments that I recorded on paper, some thoughts also captured on film…

the waves when I arrived were ferocious and strong pounding the sand with power

having the beach to myself at sunrise is such a gift, one that I never tire of opening slowly, the ball of energy different each time and place

though cool the sun warmed me quickly as I strolled forcing me to peel off is so quiet out along the promenade, I can hear the sound of my sneakers talking with the pavement, squeaking as the sounds of waves crash against the sand, the birds chirping and air moving as it does… we don't even notice

seems like the waves have calmed down, splashing and lapping with a gentle quietness 

walking from the Sunset Pavilion, surprised by the little bunny wrestling around in the sand dune thickets, signs reminding those passing to not disturb the dunes and other cautions

the dolphins swim one direction in the morning, in the late afternoon they go back from where they came, playing and flipping as I walked along the beach my kite high in the air, the shells I like sparkling for me to see and collect along with others

I walked out to the front room just in time to catch a glimpse of the waves shimmering in the moon light, the water unaware of the's a beautiful thing; no matter what time I come into the front room or walk onto the deck, the view is spectacular

though the cottage served a continental breakfast, I did dine out one morning after my walk...unlike restaurants at home, no fancy tea cup or big fluffy Belgian waffles, these are more like the ones I ate as a child...

... and rather than take out dinner, I also parked myself in the booth of a restaurant a couple of times, one thing ties them and many of the stores together and that is Rock and Roll playing in the background

until the next time…

keep your peepers open!®

ps - july 17 & 21, 2013 posts are from my last trip to cape may, spring and summer are quite a different vibe

Sunday, May 1, 2016

flat out

I came across this sticker of Olivia when I was cleaning up back in March… describes how I feel on this May 1st after two months of all kinds of purging, rebuilding, and moving about that suddenly has caught up with me. Keeping it simple on this rainy Sunday, so as I flatten out like this little piglet...

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