What seems like a lifetime ago, I was due to graduate early from high school to embark on the path of becoming a doctor in pediatrics; an unfortunate misstep placed me in the hospital which altered the road ahead. The sun, the moon and the stars had realigned...I was not to be in the medical profession.
Fast forward to now when I find myself in my 14th year working in the healing arts at a pediatric facility; steps missed because of an inherited condition recently forced me to be in the hospital. The sun, the stars, and the moon realigned...suddenly clear as a bell a full circle moment -- I was indeed destined to be part of the medical profession just not as an MD. Time had been perfectly guiding me to the path of integrative healthcare unfolding a passion of caring for and teaching self-care to others like the petals of a blossom now fully awakened as I get close to being fully recovered from my early summer surgery.
Caring about others is indeed a passion embedded on my DNA. I don't see it as a job or work, it is my
keep your peepers open! ®
It really is amazing how things come into full circle. So many times we don't understand the journey, or the mountains and valleys that we encounter on the way. But I am learning that the journey is as important as the destination! Here's to coming "Full Circle!"